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Standard Fees

Upon registering yourself at Logos International Leadership College, there is a one-time Registration fee: USD30
Fee per subject: USD 100
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
For beginning students, a flat Fee of US$ 50.00 per student will be charged for determining the amount of credit, exemption from Logos subjects, etc, to be awarded towards a Logos Course.
You may head to RPL Menu for further details.



It is the heart of Logos to not exclude a student from studying if there is a genuine call, godly character, and a strong recommendation from the senior pastor.
There is still a one-time Registration fee of USD30 applicable for scholarship students.

Our most typical Scholarship offers are listed below:
Fee per subject: USD 50

This Scholarship is available to those with more pressing financial needs.
Fee per subject: USD 20

Logos also offers ‘blanket’ Scholarships for local churches/organizations interested in pursuing leadership training or Bible College studies. The amount will depend on deliberations with the senior pastor or governing board, taking into consideration details of locality, context, church members, number of students/trainees, etc. In some instances, it is possible to charge an annual License Fee, or different students paying different rates, depending on financial ability. If a Local Church is interested, please contact us at [email protected]


Applicants must ensure the following 2 documents are emailed to the Registrar

  1. a STATEMENT in writing outlining your involvement in your local church, including areas of gifting and interests, and why you desire to study one of our courses;
  2. a STATEMENT from your Pastor or local Church leader outlining his/her reasons for supporting your application (e.g., “I [pastor’s name] support [your name] for a Logos Student Scholarship for the following reasons …”).
Both statements must be accompanied with full personal details such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, and the name and location of your local church. Since the Online student system is automatically defaulted to the Full Fee, do not pay for your subject (s) until Logos notifies you that your Scholarship application has been successful.


  1. Once we receive your complete application as mentioned above, our Registrar will notify you of Logos ILC's decision concerning your Scholarship application. Successful applicants can then proceed with downloading subjects and redeeming the sponsorship against their subject fees.
  2. For as long as a scholar remains engaged in his/her specified Logos study program (e.g., Christian Studies Certificate), the Scholarship shall remain applicable.
  3. Scholarship holders are required to study and submit assessments for a minimum of 2 subjects per annum. This provides a degree of accountability to the person (s) or institution (s) sponsoring your studies, as well as to yourself. Exceptional cases will only be granted following a letter of explanation and Logos ILC approval.