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Dr Michael is an Adjunct Professor teaching ETHICS at APTS. Memorandum of understading (MOU). APTS to consider accepting the Logos International Leadership College's Diploma level graduates as fulfilling the requirements for entrance into the MA programs with the condition that applicants do an additional 12 Credits of courses to earn a MA degree and maintain the stated GPA of 2.5 for these 12 Credits.

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The Directors, Dr Michael and Rev Irene Dalseno, are Individual Members of the Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA), and LOGOS International Leadership College is an Institutional Member of APTA.

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Alpha Omega International College

Logos College has a credit transfer agreement with various colleges, such as AOIC, which provides a direct pathway for Logos students to transfer into accredited Bachelor and higher degree programs. Basically, a Logos student who graduates with a Christian Education Certificate can enter with full credit into certain Alpha Omega degree programs. Graduates with other Logos awards will need to apply on a case-by-case basis, the amount of advanced credit depending on the nature of the course the student wants to do and the accreditation requirements of the college. Contact the Registrar at [email protected] for more information. Alpha Omega International College also directs some of their students towards a selected collection of Logos Subjects. Logos and Alpha Omega have signed a Memorandum of Association in recognition of our partnership commitment. 

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BIBLE COLLEGE OF MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.  BCM has stated that it will award, or give recognition, of any 12 credits of Logos subjects when articulating into a BCM program of study.