AWARENESS: This is a Christian website. Users around the world who opt to read, study or download our materials or who opt to formally study our Subjects and Courses do so by their own volition. This is an Online website accessable worldwide to interested users and is electronically set up in a way that payment of the prescribed fee will automatically ignite the download and study process. It is not the purpose of this college or website to "convert" citizens of any nation, state, or country, but to be an online learning resource in which to train Christians for leadership and personal maturity.

COPYRIGHT: We allow students and local church Training Centres to download, copy and/or distribute limited copies of our course notes or materials, in part and not in whole, provided that they are appropriately sourced and acknowledged, if the materials are used for purposes other than studying through Logos College. These materials may be disseminated by local Churches to its members, life groups, Bible study classes, leadership meetings, teaching sessions, etc. However, none of the materials are to be used in other formal Christian College courses and curriculums without prior approval from us. The Site Administrator at Certified Logos Training Centres, run in local churches, are free to download, print and distribrute to all trainees in their local church.  

Assessment material is only available to students, whether enrolled individually or in a Leadership Training Centre, and are otherwise not accessible for purchase. 

Acknowledging the source of our materials should include the College name, the website address, the name of the subject, the name of the subject writer, the pages covered in your usage, and the date of the subject material. An example follows:

Logos International Leadership College
New Testament 
Pages 1 – 60
February 2009


CANCELLATION OF ENROLLMENT: The College has the right to cancel the enrollment of a Full Fee paying Student if no work/assessments have been received within 2 years of submission of a former assessment, or following initial enrollment. The College also has the right to cancel the enrollment of a Scholarship student (in any of the 3 categories - see Fees Menu) if no work/assessments have been received within 1 year of submission of a former assessment or following initial enrollment, and a Scholarship may be canceled if 2 assessments per annum has not been received. Exceptions to these circumstances may apply following an explanation to the Registrar at providing sound reasons for failing to submit the required minimum number of assessments.


USAGE OF THE TERMS "CERTIFICATE" AND "DIPLOMA."   Logos College uses the terms “Certificate” and “Diploma” in accordance with their common meaning and historico-linguistic origins.  As a global educational provider in Christian ministry and Christian leadership, we therefore employ such terms although varied definitions are sometimes used in Nations and States (some with legal stipulations regarding use) throughout the world. As a global provider, it is simply not possible to apply all stipulations for the usage of such terms in potentially hundreds of states and nations – many of whom also differ to each other.

According to the common meaning, and our understanding, Webster’s Dictionary defines a Diploma as a “writing usually under seal conferring some honor or privilege” and “a document bearing record of graduation from or of a degree conferred by an educational institution.” The Encarta World English Dictionary defines a Diploma as “a certificate given by a high school, college, university, or professional organization, indicating that somebody has completed a course of education or training and reached the required level of competence." The Google Dictionary defines a Diploma as “A certificate awarded by an educational establishment to show that someone has successfully completed a course of study.” Its earliest use comes from the Latin, passport, diploma, from Greek diploma folded paper, passport, from diploun to double, from diploos, and its First Known Use: 1622.

Logos College therefore offers its various subjects, courses, awards, Certificates and Diplomas “in good faith” whereby students have elected to study Logos College courses as they appear on our website.



* As far as the College is aware, none of the contents of our materials, be they in note form or other correspondence, are copied from published or copyrighted material without being duly sourced. We are also acutely aware that few materials in any College are an "invention of the wheel" for the very first time, and that similarities in presentation may exist in some college curriculums. In the main, we have attempted to cite the source of every borrowed extract from the various original text portions and articles used in our materials. Should we have missed something, we would be happy to cite the original source following notification.  

* In no way does this international website or any of its materials intend or imply redicule, intolerance or offense to any ethnic, cultural, religious, political or racial group. We believe all human beings should be treated with respect, equality, choice and dignity. Further, certain words or expressions in our notes or lectures, particularly if borrowed from the Old Testament, do not intend, condone or imply redicule or offence in any form whatsoever.